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Prospective Students FAQ

For more information about applying to the Department of Applied Statistics and Research Methods graduate programs, please contact Raphael Xavier, Graduate Recruitment Specialist, at raphael.xavier@dcvg-cn.com, phone 970-351-1772.

You can find answers to commonly asked questions about admissions and the program here:

  • Are Spring 2025 Applications still open?

    Applications for assistantships for Spring 2025 are closed. All current applicants will be notified of assistantship positions by the second week of October 2024. If you are applying for Spring 2025, please note that no further assistantships will be available. Applications for Fall 2025 will not be considered until March 2025.

  • Questions about applying

    In general: When all of your paperwork is in and you have met the university requirements, your information will come to the ASRM department to see whether or not you can be admitted into our department. The faculty in the department will check your transcripts, especially looking at your mathematics and statistics course grades. The faculty will also examine your recommendations and your statement about why you want to be in this department, so please be specific, and if you have any grades that are low in mathematics and statistics, please tell us why and what your plan is to overcome those grades so you can be successful in your pursuit of a master's or Ph.D. program. After the faculty has made their decision, the department chair will make the final determination, and you will be informed by the Graduate School as to whether or not you will be accepted.

    Admissions Deadlines and Requirements for the Applied Statistics and Research Methods M.S. program.

    Admissions Deadlines and Requirements for the Applied Statistics and Research Methods Ph.D. program

  • Questions about assistantships

    If you are admitted to our program, we try to fund our students for at least ½ time assistantship (which would include ½ of your tuition costs plus a monthly stipend), and if we have enough funds for the semester for which you're applying, we will try to fund you more fully. Determination of your funding from the department will occur in April for Fall terms. As of January 1, 2025, we will not be accepting applications for spring terms. We will let you know what we can do for you as soon as possible when we know how many students are enrolled and how much funding we have. Assistantships are not competitive at this time; you should not send your transcripts directly to the department, but through the graduate school application process.

    Assistantships can be offered in four different ways:

    1) You can be a research consultant in our Research Consulting Lab (RCL; see http://peci.dcvg-cn.com/cebs/research-consulting-lab/);

    2) You can teach our STAT150 class and/or be a statistics tutor in our Statistics Study Center (SSC). All instructors of STAT150 must also tutor at least one hour in the SSC.

    3) You can work in our new Evaluation Research Center (ERC). However, this is a very selective process that will probably not occur until you have been in our department for a while and have had some experience in the RCL and/or the SSC.

    4) You can act as a graduate teaching assistant (GTA) or research assistant (GRA), working with an ASRM faculty member to teach courses or conduct research.

  • Questions about advising/mentorship

    You do not need to pick a particular instructor to work with at the beginning of your program, but we urge you to get to know our faculty as soon as possible so you can pick a research advisor to guide you through your registration and dissertation/masters  processes.  You will work with your research advisor to plan the courses and experiences you want to have to meet your primary goals while you are here. These experiences include working in our research consulting center as a consultant (RCL), working in our statistics study center (SSC) as a tutor, working in our evaluation research center (ERC) as an evaluator of non-profit programs, and/or working with a professor as a research or teaching assistant, besides planning an internship in a local, national or international company and writing articles for publications. 

If your question is not answered in this list, please email please email Raphael Xavier at raphael.xavier@dcvg-cn.com, and we will try to answer all of your questions. 

The bottom line is, if you want information about the department, please feel free to ask, but if you want information about applying to the university, please write to dcvg-cn.com/apply/ (the best place for international students to begin is by visiting http://peci.dcvg-cn.com/international-admissions/).